Alfa Laval MR Pump
Working with hygienic applications is a question of care, attention to detail and dedication to outstanding performance. Alfa Laval has a proven track record in delivering innovative solutions for hygienic applications based on our core technologies of separation, heat transfer and fluid handling.
The MR range of pumps is specifically designed for pumping liquids that contain air or gas. These pumps are most commonly used for CIP return applications in the food, dairy, beverage and pharmaceutical industries. Because the pumps are self-priming when the casing is half filled with fluid, they are capable of pumping from a suction line that is partly filled with air or other gases.
Through the simplicity of its design and service reliability, the MR liquid ring pump series is a cost- effective solution for products containing air or gas. These pumps are specifically developed for use in food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, where they are often used as return pumps in CIP (cleaning- in-place) systems. MR liquid ring pumps are available in four sizes with duties up to 84 m3/hr to fully optimize your process requirements.

Baldor Reliance Motor
The Baldor Reliance Motor has exceptional gleanability. The smooth finish with curved contours meet NAMI (North American Meat Institute) guidelines for ease of cleaning and allows water to shed from the frame of the motor, minimizing the chance of liquid pooling. All hardware (through bolts, drain plugs, etc.) have smooth heads to eliminate pooling and catch points. A rounded conduit box also minimizes catch points and where bacteria and other microorganisms can harbor and multiply.
Three phase only provides flexibility and safety. No need to reroute your incoming power supply or rotate the motor orientation. Simply unbolt the middle section of our 3-piece conduit box and rotate the lead opening in the direction you need it. The middle section is properly sealed with O-ring gaskets and tight tolerances.

When it comes to water rating, two barrier mechanical seal prevents water from entering the motor. The viton material is chemical resistant, withstands high temperature, and direct spray. Totally Enclosed, Fan-Cooled designs have seals on both ends of the motor.